
Feels pretty weird going like 6 months without posting on here & then posting twice within a week, BUT speaking of vanishing, I made a cute little gastly. It’s super easy to make.. well, except sewing the tulle. That was an absolute nightmare. I’ve never used tulle before, only wore tutus made from it way back when I was in ballet lessons as a kid. It is not fun to work with, soo.. fair warning.

If you’re looking for other ghosts, you can find haunter&genger here & as well as on Etsy. Gastly’s included in the bundle in case you don’t want to view ads to help me make money to buy cat food.

Speaking of ads, here’s one to help feed my cats:


·         Yarn: less than one skein of Vanna’s Choice “Black”

·         G/4mm crochet hook

·         Scissors, stitch marker & sewing needle

·         Felt: pink&white

·         A small amount of black acrylic paint & small tipped paint brush

·         Black polyester stuffing

·         24~ inches x 36~ inches of purple tulle fabric

·         Purple thread

·         Fabric glue


Slst – slip stitch

Sc – single crochet

Hdc – half double crochet

Dc – double crochet

Inc – increase (2 single crochet stitches in one stitch)

Dec- decrease

Ch – chain, followed by a number indicating the number of chains to make            


·         Finished size - approximately 8 inches long x 6 inches tall

·         Gauge - not overly important, but 5 stitches x 4 rows = one inch





*Worked in continuous rounds


1. Make 6 sc in a magic ring (6)

2. increase six times (12)

3. *sc, inc* x 6 (18)

4. sc, inc, *2 sc, inc* x 5, sc (24)

5. *3 sc, inc* x 6 (30)

6. 2 sc, inc, *4 sc, inc* x 5, 2 sc (36)

7. *inc, 5 sc* x 6 (42)

8. 3 sc, inc, *6 sc, inc* x 5, 3 sc (48)

9-16. sc in each stitch (48)

17. 3 sc, dec, *6 sc, dec* x 5, 3 sc (42)

18. *dec, 5 sc* x 6 (36)

19. 2 sc, dec, *4 sc, dec* x 5, 2 sc (30)

20. *3 sc, dec* x 6 (24)

Add stuffing to the head&body firmly.

21. sc, dec, *2 sc, dec* x 5, sc (18)

22. *dec, sc* x 6 (12)

23. decrease six times (6)

Fasten off, leaving a tail. Weave the tail through the front loops of the remaining stitches & pull to close the ring.



·         Cut two eyes out of white felt (shape below)

·         Cut two tiny triangles for the teeth.

·         Using black acrylic paint, paint a small oval towards the center of each of the eyes.

·         Cut a “smile” out of pink felt.

·         Glue the two small triangles for the teeth at the corners of the mouth.

·         Set all of the felt pieces aside for now.

·         Fold the corners of the tulle towards the center of the fabric & sew them together using purple thread. To sew it: just go back & fourth through the fabric a couple of times, tie a knot & trim the ends of the thread.

·         Using pins, fold & pin the tulle around the crocheted ball. Once you’re happy with the position of the tulle, use purple thread to sew it.

·         Glue mouth to the crocheted ball.

Glue the eyes to the crocheted ball, one round above the mouth, approximately 2-3 stitches apart. Only place glue on the inner corners of the eyes (see previous page).




Wisp crochet pattern